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plastic clay中文是什么意思

用"plastic clay"造句"plastic clay"怎么读"plastic clay" in a sentence


  • 【地质学;地理学】第三期下层的中层系。


  • The mud was a blue-gray plastic clay composed predominantly of montmorillonite with some illite .
  • In truth , it was the first time she had ever had a human soul to play with , and the plastic clay of him was a delight to mould ; for she thought she was moulding it , and her intentions were good
  • On the basis of the concept and analysis method of slope geological structure , four typical slope geological structures are selected by some investigations on more than one hundred high rock slopes in the motorway project . these structures are thick sandstone stratum , stratum including weak coal , stratum made of red or brown plastic clay and soft rock mass and stratum made of remnants rock mass . the practical slope geological structures are compact basis of geological mechanical model for the analysis of relaxation zone in high rock slope projects
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